Monday, 2 November 2020

And we're finally in print..!

A little later than planned because time ran away with me and proofreading took so much longer than I'd anticipated, but Grouse and Partridge are finally back in their new full-length novel available on Kindle at the bargain price of £2.29 ($2.99) for a limited time and as a paperback from me directly at £8.99 (plus postage and packing as appropriate).  

I'm not making it available via Lulu's bookstore at the moment - that may follow or I may decide to try Amazon's print on demand instead.  I'm still awaiting the arrival of the first print copy before I order any more but if you'd like one, please email me at Last orders on November 20th. 

There will be extras appearing here by the end of the week, so please pop back!  I'd love some reviews as well if anyone actually gets round to reading it...!

So glad it's finally seen the light of day!

Monday, 12 October 2020

Twelve Days to Go!

Only twelve days to go until publication...  To be honest, I never thought we'd get to this point! It's been a long road and much of it uphill - and if it hadn't been for lock-down, we still wouldn't be there.  The editing elves have been burning the midnight oil, trying to eliminate the little bugs and hiccoughs which inevitably occur when a book has been in production for eight years and at the moment, we're still go for launch on October 24th.  Really looking forward to seeing the finished product after all this time.

When I first started work on the book, I created a little trailer using Animoto and I've now updated it for the launch.  Hopefully, it gives a flavour of what's in store.  

Lots of extras to come in the next week or two as well so keep coming back...!

Tuesday, 25 August 2020

Date for the Diary...


(Self) Publishing on 24th October 2020!  

It's only taken me eight years...

Monday, 27 July 2020

Something's Coming...

What a strange year 2020 has been so far.  Pandemics, lockdowns, furloughs, closed schools, closed theatres, new normals...

...and in the middle of it all, a book!  First draft of Scotch on the Rocks is complete, editing two-thirds done, cover designed and a determination to see a publication date before the Autumn.  I've been writing this wretched thing since 2012.  It needs to see the light of day!

Watch this space!

Saturday, 23 February 2019

Catch of the day...

It's been half term this week and I've been frantically trying to make the most of every free minute, all too aware of the mountain of work awaiting me on Monday.  Since last Saturday, I've made a patchwork cushion cover as a favour for a friend.  I've also made some fabric fishies as a prop for my World Book Day costume.  I'm very proud of them, particularly as they began the week as a pack of Primark tea towels.  I spent Thursday and Friday with two much-loved friends who have helped to blow away some of the February cobwebs and have reminded me that there is more to me than just being an English teacher.  And.... I've blown the dust off 'Scotch on the Rocks' prior to another Urban Writer's Retreat tomorrow.

There's been a thorough re-read followed by another re-structure and a bit of re-writing. I can't judge the quality of the 260 pages written so far, but I can see that I'm probably only 10,000 words off a first draft. And if I can manage 5000 words tomorrow... Who knows? We'll see.

Setting off early for a breakfast in Newcastle and looking forward to a full day spent with Hamish.  It doesn't happen often enough...

Now, does anyone need me to make them some fabric fishies…?

Tuesday, 1 January 2019

And that was 2018...

I haven't done this for quite a while, so maybe it is time to revive the tradition!

BEST BOOK READ: Carrying the Fire by Michael Collins.  Completely transformative.  What a wise old owl he is.  
BEST FILM: The Right Stuff. Saw it two weeks before First Man and it was miles better in every respect.  Think I love Ed Harris...
BEST SONG: Ruby by Ray Charles.  
BEST MEAL: Tapas in Glasgow.
BEST THEATRE MOMENT: Manon at the Royal Opera House with the astounding Roberto Bolle (did I mention he liked my tweet?) and Jeeves and Wooster at the Theatre by the Lake in Keswick  - a comedy masterclass!
BEST BALLET MOMENT(S): As above! And La Fille Mal Gardee in London.
BEST TV MOMENT: Gordon Buchannan and all the wonderful bears.  'Hey, bear!'
BEST SILLY MOMENT(S): Spending the day as a Welsh Dragon for European Day of Languages.
MOST EMOTIONAL MOMENT: Far too many really - it's my age!  Year 13 singing 'Time to Say Goodbye' at the end of Year concert and the sight of the burning Glasgow School of Art yet again...
BEST PURCHASE(S): New glasses!!! I can SEE!!!  My tartan coat. Patchwork fabric.  Lots of patchwork fabric...
BEST GIFT: My moon lamp and rather a lot of Archibald Knox pewter.
BEST NIGHT'S SLEEP: Edinburgh Travelodge - like a top!

BEST PLACE(S) VISITED: Melrose, Amsterdam
BEST CONCERT(S): Georgie Fame at the Sage. Yeah yeah!

BEST DECISION: Urban Writers' Retreat in Newcastle
Rhubarb and Ginger gin, Michael Collins, Landscape Patchwork.

BEST MOMENT(S): Directing the Sound of Music, Singing with the choir in Amsterdam, walking in Beatrix's footsteps in the Lakes, The Edinburgh Book Festival, Burne-Jones exhibition at the Tate...

Happy New Year!

Monday, 26 November 2018

There's no beating this Retreat!

It was my birthday last month.  One of those birthdays with the zero on the end which means you have to tick the next age box down when you take part in on-line surveys.  I was blessed with lots of cards, enough cake to start a patisserie and several bottles of rather nice gin...

And somewhere around the cusp of passing from my fourth decade into my fifth, I decided the time had come to do something mildly radical to shake myself out of the writing glums. Which is why I took myself off yesterday morning in a large room overlooking Pilgrim Street in Newcastle with other several people who I'd never met before to take part in an Urban Writers Retreat, my birthday present to myself.

Having run successfully in London for several years, the Urban Writers Retreat has made a little toe-hold in Newcastle upon Tyne and it offered special rates for its first three sessions.  It promised plentiful tea, coffee, cake and lunch and the opportunity to write without distractions from 11 in the morning till 5.30 surrounded by other people who were doing exactly the same.

And it did exactly what it said on the tin! After a few brief introductions, we launched straight into our own projects and after that hardly emerged except to retrieve some nice M&S sandwiches, carrot cake, oranges and (begone, temptation!) roasted pistachios from the central table, which was groaning under the weight of all the goodies.

The chairs were not desperately comfortable. The coffee could
have been warmer. And after a few hours, my extremities did begin to numb with cold.  But I had a big jumper, some fingerless glove/wrist warmer things and the view across the rooftops was spectacular - you could see for miles - especially as the November evening drew in and the Christmas lights came on.  And we typed as if our lives depended on it, completely oblivious to what was going on around us.

I'd decided to work on a Christmas story which ran aground last year amid much family illness and I managed to double the existing word count until my fingers finally froze and I admitted defeat with fifteen minutes left to go... retreating over the road to the Tyneside Cinema where my best friend was waiting in the warm with hot coffee to thaw me out!

Worth it? Every blinkin' penny! Although WHEN I return in the Spring, I will wear thermals and take a hot water bottle!