It has been a busy few weeks for other reasons too. I spent a very interesting day at the Harrogate Crime Writing Festival 'Creative Thursday' for writers and came awa
y with at least one good idea for Grouse and Partridge as well as the determination to try and see if I can get an agent interested in the first book. It needs some re-writing, but I think I could face having a try at untangling it for a new audience. I'm also determind to stay a little longer next year and indulge in some of the excellent author events they arrange.

And this week I spent three days in London, indulging in theatre (including the wonderful production of La Cage aux Folles at the
Playhouse Theatre, starring Philip Quast and Roger Allam who are two of my very favourite actors anyway! I can't recommend it too highly - it was inspirational!) shopping for art and craft materials and visiting the John William Waterhouse exhibition at the Royal Academy. I also drooled over the Crime Fiction Department of Hatchards bookshop in Piccadilly - it's wonderful! - and saw a fantastic photography exhibition at the Photographer's Gallery off Oxford Street. More on this in the next post, I think!

Best cake? Found in the Royal Academy Restaurant, without doubt. They called it 'Orange and Almond Cake' but to my mind it was more of a marmalade orgy on a plate, dripping with syrupy orange pieces. Huge portions, went down well with a large (strong!) Americano...