This is the entrance to the MacNab Burial Ground on Inchbuie, taken when we were there in 2007. I've only just got round to transferring photos and files to my lovely new laptop and so the next few posts will probably have Scotland pix to accompany them!

I love October, probably because I'm an Autumn baby. And so far, October's been rather good, with a trip to Birmingham to see the wonderful ballet 'Cyrano' and some really lovely sunshine.
I'm working hard at weekends to re-edit - and in places completely rewrite -
SCOTCH MIST. When I re-read it this summer with my critical hat on, I could see some very big mistakes which needed addressing. It's been quite fun to do and I'm hoping the work so far is an improvement on the original. I'm still scared at the prospect of sending it to anyone, but I've realised if I don't no one's going to come and knock on the door to demand it! The 'usual suspects' have been egging me on to do something about it for months now, and if no one actually wants it, I won't be any worse off than I am now, will I???
Had a disappointment with the last batch of books from Usually they are of a very high standard and are beautifully finished, but the last parcel I got looked as if it had been rushed through: there were three books which I felt were sub-standard and they'd got the order wrong (right on the invoice, but the invoice didn't match!) However, I cannot fault their customer service who offered a refund or a reprint and were very apologetic. I'm sure it was a blip and nothing more...
I'm still getting requests for copies which is very gratifying: so far I've sold 187 copies between the three titles which I find quite amazing!
Still largely cake-free, I'm afraid, but I did manage to sneak a slice of Druckers' delicious Apple Cake in Birmingham. It's
cake of the week by default, but it would have won the award on its own merits anyway!