Sunday, 28 November 2010

In the Night Garden...

Winter is most definitely here! This is my garden - and the one next door - taken at 11.45 on Friday night. It's not a 'sepia-ized' version either: this is an ordinary colour photo taken without flash or other lighting, just the usual streetlights. It was an experiment and I wasn't sure if it would work, but I'd just walked back through this scene and the light was so bizarre I wanted to try and capture it.
It hasn't got above -1 C today and there's now about a foot of snow outside. It isn't snowing at the moment, but the sky is the same colour as the ground - greyish white!- and there are another 8 inches forecast for tonight.
As a traveller by public transport, I'm starting to worry already. I have a trip of 23 miles to work, followed by a one and 3/4 mile walk when I arrive at the station. The police and authorities are urging people not to travel unless it is an emergency - but I can't see that going down well as an excuse for not getting there tomorrow! Last time we had snow like this, there was no suggestion that we close.
Now don't get me wrong: I don't just want to 'skive off' - in fact, at the moment, given the way my job is, being off work would be very inconvenient - I have two impending interviews at the end of the week (one on each side of the table, as it were!)and I really want to be ready for both of them. But going to work in this - and it is much worse now than it was when I took this photo - just seems mindless madness! As I've said before, it's great when you can sit on the window-seat and watch it swirl down, knowing you don't have to brave it. Tonight, however, I doubt I'll be feeling quite as kindly disposed towards it!
On a lighter note, Drover and Bolph did build a snowman yesterday...but you'll have to wait until Dec 17th to find out where!

Wednesday, 24 November 2010

Reindeer time!

It's that time of the year again. And even if Starbucks are not going to indulge my needs at this festive time of the year, the other good thing about Christmas is the reindeer.

I love reindeer. Not the cartoony red-nosed variety (think the others let Rudolph off lightly, to be honest - he is unsufferably smug!) but the real ones! This chap was waiting to pull Santa's sleigh through my town on Sunday, just having a chomp on some lunch as he waited in the (quite frankly depressing!) rain.

We discovered a couple of years ago where they go for their r&r before the parade begins and it does mean you get a chance to see them 'up close and personal' before the crowds claim them! And I got better photos this year with a proper camera.

We've had a bit of snow here today, although it didn't stay, and it is FREEZING, so I suppose that's the official winter start. Of course it also means my heating has packed in - it doesn't do cold weather! I've done nothing about Christmas yet, (although I did buy some cards in London a couple of weeks ago - with reindeer on!).

HOWEVER I have made a start on the NEW Grouse and Partridge Christmas Tale which will be available to download on December 17th. After struggling with 'Harry', it's been lovely to get back to the old team. So far there's no reindeer in it... but there's still time!!

Thursday, 18 November 2010

Woe! Woe! Woe!

If Starbucks are going to do Christmas without Dark Cherry Mochas, then I'm not doing Christmas! Seems perfectly reasonable to me...