Monday, 26 March 2012

Just waiting

I've been waiting all day, on and off, since I got out of bed and now it'll late at night and I'm waiting again and it is driving me mad.  What makes it worse is the fact that there is not much chance of anything happening for days yet: thewaiting game has only just begun. And although I know I cannot change the outcome of anything by waiting, irrationally I feel as if the longer I wait the less likely I am to hear good news and the more likely I am to get bad news: as if it is my mindset which is determining the nature of the news! 

I left a situation this afternoon feeling really almost positive.  Now, five hours on, I am as negative as I can be ( and, goodness knows, that's negative!) And yet nothing has changed except my state of mind... 

They say no news is good news.  Shows how much they know...