Sunday, 29 June 2014

Pride goes before a fall...

It was the best of weeks, it was the worst of weeks... It started well: the mark for my dissertation and the overall grading of my MA came back and I was delighted (and not a little astounded) with the result.  I hadn't been at all sure that what I'd written was good enough, although I'd enjoyed every minute of writing it.  I now officially have two more letters to add to my name and, what's far more significant, the satisfaction of knowing that I was able to come up to the standard I'd wanted to reach.  There was a modest celebration - some wine, some chocolate, the reward of a couple of new books.  That was last Saturday.

Won't be using this one as
my new author picture!
By Wednesday, however, things took a dramatic change when, as a precursor to our sports day, I did the health and safety triple event  - the Trip, Slip and Fall.  To cut a long story short, I had a very nasty fall at work resulting in four broken front teeth, several stitches to my top lip, an impressive range of cuts and bruises on my face and some nasty whiplash.  Oh, and the second pair of glasses I've written-off since starting this job two years ago! 

I consider myself very lucky not to have been more seriously injured.  However, I'm facing a rather large dentistry bill, the huge expense of a new pair of glasses and the problematic issue of trying to eat without my four front teeth! 

The wonderful ladies I work with sent me the gorgeous flowers in the top photo. They couldn't have chosen better : there were roses and sea holly in the bouquet which was predominantly mauve and green: I like to think it's rather the way Marmalade's flowers were at the end of Scotch Pine.  They also sent me a rather good Jodi Picoult novel, which has kept me reading, even when my head was hurting!

Scotch on the Rocks progresses - it's grown about seven thousand words since May and hopefully, with the summer holiday on the horizon, it should double in size by September.  Just three weeks left to go till I can devote myself to the writing a bit more.  Let's hope the back and neck are recovered by then even if I'm still having to chop up food into 3cm pieces!