Saturday, 23 February 2019

Catch of the day...

It's been half term this week and I've been frantically trying to make the most of every free minute, all too aware of the mountain of work awaiting me on Monday.  Since last Saturday, I've made a patchwork cushion cover as a favour for a friend.  I've also made some fabric fishies as a prop for my World Book Day costume.  I'm very proud of them, particularly as they began the week as a pack of Primark tea towels.  I spent Thursday and Friday with two much-loved friends who have helped to blow away some of the February cobwebs and have reminded me that there is more to me than just being an English teacher.  And.... I've blown the dust off 'Scotch on the Rocks' prior to another Urban Writer's Retreat tomorrow.

There's been a thorough re-read followed by another re-structure and a bit of re-writing. I can't judge the quality of the 260 pages written so far, but I can see that I'm probably only 10,000 words off a first draft. And if I can manage 5000 words tomorrow... Who knows? We'll see.

Setting off early for a breakfast in Newcastle and looking forward to a full day spent with Hamish.  It doesn't happen often enough...

Now, does anyone need me to make them some fabric fishies…?