Thursday, 1 December 2011

G and P get Kindled!

I was on strike yesterday, like a lot of people in the UK, but because I'm struggling with a foot injury at the moment I wasn't up to marching the streets and waving placards.  Instead, I stayed at home, with my foot up, and among the amazing things I found time to do, I decided to have a go at transferring the last Grouse and Partridge story to Kindle.  It was actually surprisingly simple to do (although the prospect of doing an entire novel is rather daunting!) and it is exciting to announce that, as of this morning, 'A Snoo-Tappit Hiddy-Giddy' is available from Amazon
When I finish this year's offering (Saturday's job!) it too will be available on Kindle at the same price. The usual free PDF will still be available on along with the print version, probably from December 17th. 
Best cake?  The sweet mince pie my pal Helen forced me to indulge in with our now traditional Thursday morning coffee from Costa!  That girl is a bad influence!


  1. It is Interesting to see Grouse and Partridge enter the digital world I still think your books are great what ever format you choose to publish in . I shall look out for your latest offering again this year on . Merry Christmas & a Happy Hogmanay to you [ I am still in the paper book world at least for now ]

  2. Hope you had a good Christmas and best wishes for 2012! (I too am firmly in the paper book world and think I always will be - I 'dabble' in digital and it's handy for the daily train journey but you still can't beat a proper book!)
